Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


Bethel Mission Organization (BMO) is committed to protecting the privacy of its donors, supporters, employees, board, and other stakeholders. We value the trust of those we deal with, and of the public, and recognize that maintaining this trust requires that we be transparent and accountable in how we treat the personal information that you choose to share with us.


During the course of our various activities, we frequently gather and use personal information. Anyone from whom we collect such personal information should expect that it will be carefully protected and that any use of or other dealing with this personal information is subject to express or implied consent. Our privacy practices are designed to achieve this. 
BMO may not be under any statutory obligations with respect to the protection of the personal information that is provided to us, but BMO has voluntarily decided to adhere to best practices for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information as outlined in this policy.
Generally speaking, personal information is any information that can be used to distinguish, identify or contact a specific individual. This information can include an individual’s opinions or beliefs, as well as facts about, or related to, the individual. Exceptions: business contact information and certain publicly available information, such as names, addresses and telephone numbers as published in telephone directories, are not usually considered personal information. 
Where an individual uses his or her home contact information as business contact information as well, we consider that the contact information provided is business contact information, and is not therefore subject to protection as personal information. 

On the other hand, BMO does not encourage individuals to use personal contact information with BMO beneficiaries, partners, and stakeholder during their business employment, for instance, phone number and email address, but use the assigned phone number and email address given by BMO.

Direct supervisor is responsible for this policy and to ensure the organization is aware of any and all legislative matters with regard to ‘Privacy’ which may impact the operations of BMO. 

Personal information collected by BMO may include; name, address and other contact information, credit card or bank account information for donation purposes, countries or programs an individual wishes to support, language preference, demographic information such as age and gender, and communication preferences for marketing purposes. 
BMO collects personal information in order to service accounts, understand giving preferences and provide relevant communications and marketing materials. 
This information may be shared with BMO employees for the purposes of marketing, research and analysis. In certain limited circumstances, it may be necessary to share the information with a third party service provider on a confidential basis. When this occurs, BMO provides only the information that is required to provide the services and strict terms of confidentiality are established. 

Personal information gathered by BMO is kept in confidence. Our personnels are authorized to access personal information based only on their need to deal with it for the reason(s) for which it was obtained. Safeguards are in place to ensure that personal information is not disclosed or shared more widely than is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was gathered. We also take measures to ensure that the integrity of personal information is maintained and retained only as long as it is required. 

We collect, use and disclose personal information only for purposes that a reasonable person would consider appropriate in light of the circumstances. We do not rent or sell personal information to any other organization. We offer donors and supporters the opportunity to opt not to have their personal information used for purposes beyond those for which it was originally collected. 

We regularly review our privacy practices for our various activities, and update our policy. The BMO Web site will contain the most up-to-date practices.   

Individuals also have a right to provide us with a correction if they believe that any personal information held about them may be inaccurate. Further information can be obtained from the hear of Administration and Human Resource.

BMO offers several opt-in mailing lists for both regular postal mail and electronic mail. Any personally identifiable information provided by them is used for the purpose of delivering the mailing item, renewing subscriptions, research and/or marketing. Users may choose to opt-out at any time by contacting our IT/Admin.